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Fundamental Principles of Statistical Methods

Comments on the Fundamental Principles of Statistics in Quality Assurance

Quality engineering, i.e. quality assurance and quality control are today one of the main concerns of each production plant.

A good working system of activities to provide quality assurance which encompasses the entire enterprise turned out to be the best solution to this type of problem.

The basis for such quality assurance systems is the standard series DIN EN ISO 9000-9004. Indispensable means to solve such problems within the scope of quality assurance are the methods to avoid errors and risk management (FMEA) as well as the procedures of technical statistics.

Experiences have shown that such general descriptions can be applied to the special requirements of the friction material industry.

This chapter contains in the following a list of publications which describe quality assurance systems and procedures.

Fields of Application for Statistical Methods

Greatest possible process information gain and analysis

Prior and during the production phase guarantee of final product conformity to agreed specifications

Guarantee of test procedures and test means suitability

Error-detecting procedures applied prior to error origin (preventive measures)

This is among other things achieved by the following methods:

  • FMEA
  • Quality audits
  • Statistical process control (SPC)
  • Statistical evaluation pocedures
  • Quality control card technics
  • Capability tests